This is a really huge amount, and something that we need to try and change to help athletes get back in the game.
With all of the recent discussions around surgical vs non-surgical management of ACL injury, it’s important to recognise that this is not just talking about re-injury of their affected side if they’ve undergone surgery, but also includes subsequent ACL injury of their OTHER knee.
This really highlights two big things:
Firstly – that there’s LOTS of different factors that contribute to ACL injury, & that even with surgery to repair or replace the ligament, this doesn’t address these factors. Our strength, our movement patterns, our control – these are big ticket items, and need to be thoroughly addressed in order to safely return.
Secondly – that there’s no margin for error with cutting corners in rehab. 20% of athletes suffering a 2nd ACL injury…this is far too high, and cutting corners – whether it be looking to return to sport too soon, or not going through every step in the process – only heightens that risk.
If you’ve injured your knee, and are wanting to get back to sport, speak to us about surgical rehabilition and other things you need to be doing to give yourself the best chance of being in the 80%, and how we can help you achieve a successful return to sport.
Mat Prior
APA Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist
Soccer Physio Adelaide
(Source: Barber-Westin & Noyes 2020)