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The MYTHS of strength training!

Myth: Strength training makes you bulky: Many people, especially women, avoid strength training because they fear it will make them look bulky. In reality, building significant muscle mass requires specific training protocols, genetics, and often, a caloric surplus. For most people, strength training results in a leaner, more defined physique.

Myth: Cardio is more effective for weight loss than strength training: While cardiovascular exercise is important for weight loss and overall health, strength training is equally essential. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, meaning it burns more calories at rest compared to fat. Additionally, strength training helps preserve muscle mass during weight loss, leading to a higher percentage of weight loss from fat.

Myth: You should always feel sore after a strength training workout: While some soreness (known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS) is normal after starting a new strength training program or increasing intensity, it's not a necessary indicator of a good workout.

Myth: Strength training is only for young people: Strength training is beneficial for individuals of all ages. In fact, it becomes increasingly important as we age to maintain muscle mass, bone density, and overall functional capacity. Older adults can benefit greatly from incorporating strength training into their fitness routines. From our perspective strength training should be incorperated into all phases of life.

Myth: You need fancy equipment or a gym membership to strength train: While having access to a gym with various equipment can be beneficial, it's not necessary for effective strength training. Bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, dumbbells, and even household items like cans or water bottles can be used for resistance training. Consistency and proper form are more important than fancy equipment.

Myth: Strength training is only for building muscle: While strength training is excellent for building muscle, its benefits extend beyond aesthetics. It can improve bone density, joint health, metabolism, balance, and overall functional capacity. Strength training can also help prevent injuries and improve performance in various sports and activities. Additionally many runners avoid strength training as they feel the potential gain in body weight could negatively affect their performance. This is another misconception seen by the number of pro athletes who are turning to strength training to provide them an edge over their competaters. It must be said that a poorly designed program may have negative effect but an appropriate program can have enoumous upside!

By dispelling these myths, individuals can better understand the importance and benefits of incorporating strength training into their fitness routines.

Body Fit Physiotherapy

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